Freitag, 25. September 2009

Our Theme

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

General Council of MSOC Middle Europe

On 20th September, 2009, General Council of the Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church in Middle Europe was formed on the occasion of the 5th European Family Conference in Vienna. Name of the General Council members and their designations are given below

H.G. Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose, President
Rev.Fr. Dr. Thomas Jacob, Clergy Secretary
Rev.Fr. Jomy Mathew, Council Member Priest

Rev.Fr. Biju Parekkattil, Council Member
Mr. George Padickakudy, Lay Secretary

Mr. Babu Vethanil , Treasurer
Mr. Benny Kakkattu, PRO

Mr. Jolly Thuruthummel, Council Member

Mr. Jacob Kalimkoottil, Council Member

Mr. Cheriyan Puthuvaprampil, Council Member

Mr. Binu John, Observer

Representatives from the Spiritual Orgnizations

Chev. Mr. Kuriakose Thadathil, Sunday School Director

Rev.Fr.Biju Parekkattil is the vice president of the MSOC middle Europe Region Youth Association

Mr. Pradeep Paulose, Youth Association Secretary

Rev.Fr.Jomy Joseph is the vice president of the MSOC middle Europe Region Morth Mariam Samajam

Mrs. Suma Kakkattu, Vanitha Samajam Secretary
Mrs. Sija Pradeep, Vanitha Samajam Joint Secretary

(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)


Unveiling the Sovenir of St.Mary's Vienna by Very Rev.Joseph Elia Ramban

St.Mary's Malakankara Syrian Orthodox Church, Vienna, celebrated its 20th annuarsary along with the 5th European Family Conference (MSOC Middle Europe) and published a souvenir on 19th September, 2009 in the Public Meeting And Cultural Evening of the Conference. This Souvenir contains many good articles, poems, short stories in English, Malayalam and German language. Mr.Eldho Palpathu is the Editor, Mr.Binu Markose and Mr.Pradeep Paulose are the Sub-editors of the Souvenir. Chev.Kuriakose Thadathil, Mr.Jacob Padickakudy and Mr.George Padickakudy are the advisory Committee of the same. Souvenir '09 is unveiled by Very Rev. Joseph Elia Ramban and Very Rev.Adai Jacob Cor Episcopos.

The theme of this year is "abide in Christ" (St.John 15:4) and which is pictorically explained by Mr.Binu Markose and Mr.Pradeep Paulose in our logo of this jubilee year
(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)

Mittwoch, 23. September 2009

Vienna Family Conference

Fifth European Family Conference
(Middle Europe)
the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church
Von St.Mary's Vienna

Theme : Abide in Christ (St.John 15:4)

Venue: Syrian Orthodox Cultural Centre, Leopoldauerplatz 92,93, 1210 Wien.
Date: from 18th to 20th September 2009

Registration Fee: 100 € per Family


Von St.Mary's Vienna

HG.Dr.Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan, Metropolitan and Patriarchal Vicar of the Middle Europe

Very Rev.Dr.Adai Jacob Cor Episcopa, Principal, MSOT Seminary, Udayagiri, Mullamthuruthy.

DR. JOHANN MARTE, Präsident der Stiftung Pro Oriente

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Rudolf Prokshi, Professur für Patrologie und Ostkirchenkunde an der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät Wien

Programme of the Conference
Very Rev.Dr. Immanuel Aydin Cor-Episcopos, Vicar, St. Eprem Syrian Orthodox Church.

Very Rev.Joseph Elia Ramban , Syrian Orthodox Church

Rev.Dr. Thomas Thandappillil, Indian Catholic Community, Vienna
Rev.Fr. Joykutty Varghese, Vicar St.Thomas Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church

Mr.Israil, Trustee of the Cultural Centre

Programme Schedule at a Glance

18th September 2009, Friday
16.00 Registration

16.30 Flag hosting
17.00 Evening Prayer

17.30 Inauguration – HG Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan

18.00 Theme Introduction: V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos

20.00 Dinner

19th September 2009, Saturday

09.00—09.30 Beginning Prayer and Devotional Songs

I Session
09:30—11:00 HG Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan --for Parents and Elders

I Session for Youth
09:30—11:00 V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos

I Session of the Sunday School Students

Rev.Fr.Jomy Joseph, Vicar, St.Mary's MSO Church Switzerland, Eldhos Palpathu, Head Master, St.Mary's Sunday School Vienna

11:00—11:30 Pause

II Session for Parents and Elders
11:30—12: 30 V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos

II Session of the Youth
11:30-12:30 HG Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan

II Session of the Sunday School Students
Chev.Kuriakose Thadathil, Secretary, St.Mary's Sunday School Vienna

12:30—13:00 Midday Prayer

13:00—14:30 Lunch

III Session for Parents and Elders
14:30-16:00 Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Jacob, Vicar, St.Mary's MSO Church, Herne, Germany

III Session of the Youth
14:30-16:00 Interactive Session
HG Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan, V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos, Rev.Fr.Jomy Joseph.

III Session for the Sunday School Students

Eldho Palpathu, HG Dr. Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan, V. Rev. Dr. Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos

16:00—16:30 Pause

16:30—17:30 Bible Quiz (Bible, Liturgy, Church history) --Quiz Master: Rev. Fr. Dr. Thomas Jacob, Vicar, St.Mary's MSO Church, Herne, Germany

17:30-18:00 Meeting of the Spiritual Associations such as Sunday School, Morth Mariam Samajam, Youth Association

18:00—18:30 Evening Prayer

Von St.Mary's Vienna

18:30-- 21:00 Public Meeting and Cultural Evening

21:00 –22:00 Dinner

20th September 2009, Sunday

08:00—8:30 Morning Prayer
08:30-09:00 Meditation Rev.Fr.Jomy Joseph

Von Church fathers

09:00—11:00 Holy Qurbana

11:00—12:30 Lunch
12:30—14:00 Plenary Meeting and MSOC (Austria, Switzerland& Germany Region) General Body

From 18th to 20th September, 2009, 5th European Family Conference (Middle Europe) of the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church was conducted at the Syrian Orthodox Cultural Centre, Leopoldauerplatz 92,93, 1210 Wien. Syrian Orthodox faithfuls from Italy, Switzerland, Germany and Austria participated in the conference.

14:30: Flag Lowering Ceremony

(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)

People attended at 5th EU Family Conference of MSOC Middle Europe

Our 5th European Family Conference (MSOC Middle Europe)became a great landmark in the history of the Jacobite Syrian orthodox Church in Europe as well as in relation with st Mary's Malankara Syrain Orthodox Church Vienna.

(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)

5th European Family Conference (Middle Europe) in Vienna

I am very happy to inform you that the 5th European Family Conference (Middle Europe) of the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church will be held at the Syrian Orthodox Cultural Centre, Leopoldauerplatz 92,93, 1210 Vienna, Austria on 18th to 20th September, 2009. „Abide in Christ“ (St.John 15:4) is the Theme of this year’s Conference. The main objectives of the Family Conference are to strengthen our faith and spirituality among our European Diaspora, to nurture strong and healthy family culture of the Syrian Christians and to help its members to face the challenges that they are facing in Europe. In this three-day conference, there will be separate sheduled programmes for Adults, youth and Children .Under the leadership of HG.Dr.Kuriakose Mor Theophilose Metropolitan, Patriarchal Vicar of the Central Europe, this European Family Conference is the 5th of its kind. In this year, Very Rev.Dr.Adai Jacob Cor-Episcopos, Principal of MSOT Seminary, Mullamthuruthy, will be the Chief Guest of the Conference and will take main classes for the adults as well as the youths. Dr.Johann Marte, President of the Pro oriente, and Rev.Dr. Rudolf Prokshi, Rector of the Thomas College and Professor of Patrology in the Vienna University, will be our guests of honour and Very Rev.Dr. Immanuel Aydin Cor-Episcopos, Vicar, St. Eprem Syrian Orthodox Church, and Very Rev.Joseph Elia Ramban will be our Special Guests. Rev.Fr.Dr. Thomas Jacob, Germany, Rev.Fr.Jomy Joseph, Switzerland and Rev.Fr.Biju.M.Parekkattil, Vienna will also attend the conference and lead its different sessions.

St.Mary’s Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, Vienna, celebrates its 20th annuasary in this year and brings out a souvenir to mark this auspicious occasion and which will be unveiled at the Public Meeting and Cultural Evening of the Family Conference on 19th September, 2009. For more details of this Family conference, please visit our Church’s Website:

with greetings and prayers

Fr.Biju.M.Parekkattil, Vicar, St.Mary’s Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church, Vienna.

General Convenor of the 5th European Family Conference (Middle Europe)—2009.

(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)