St.Mary's Malakankara Syrian Orthodox Church, Vienna, celebrated its 20th annuarsary along with the 5th European Family Conference (MSOC Middle Europe) and published a souvenir on 19th September, 2009 in the Public Meeting And Cultural Evening of the Conference. This Souvenir contains many good articles, poems, short stories in English, Malayalam and German language. Mr.Eldho Palpathu is the Editor, Mr.Binu Markose and Mr.Pradeep Paulose are the Sub-editors of the Souvenir. Chev.Kuriakose Thadathil, Mr.Jacob Padickakudy and Mr.George Padickakudy are the advisory Committee of the same. Souvenir '09 is unveiled by Very Rev. Joseph Elia Ramban and Very Rev.Adai Jacob Cor Episcopos.
The theme of this year is "abide in Christ" (St.John 15:4) and which is pictorically explained by Mr.Binu Markose and Mr.Pradeep Paulose in our logo of this jubilee year
(Posted by: Fr.Biju Parekkattil, Vicar, StMary's MSO Church, Vienna)
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